Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 2013: University launches Early College Program with Washington County Schools

University launches Early College Program with Washington County Schools

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE---  On November 5, officials from Elizabeth City State University and the Washington County Schools met to sign a memorandum of understanding to launch an Early College Program that will benefit Washington County High School students.

Participating students will be eligible to earn up to 30 college credit hours while still
attending their public high schools. This rigorous program will reside under the authority of the Washington County Board of Education.  All federal, state, and local laws applicable to public high schools will be applicable to the Early College Program.

An advisory committee comprised of representatives from the university and the school district will meet quarterly to evaluate instructional and programmatic activities, identify problems, issues and challenges that arise and make recommendations regarding more effective coordination and collaboration. The Board of Education will oversee funding for this Early College Program. The university will select and supervise faculty to provide the courses for the Early College Program.

Photo caption: Seated left to right: ECSU Chancellor Charles Becton and Dr. Joe Davis,
superintendent of the Washington County Schools (NC). Standing left to right: Dr. Darnell Johnson, E. V. Wilkins Endowed Professor, Althea Riddick, coordinator of Program and Curriculum Development at ECSU, Dr. Ali Khan, provost and vice chancellor for the ECSU Division of Academic Affairs, Lynn West, vice chairperson of the Washington County Board of Education, the Rev. Russell Wilkins, chairman of the Washington County Board of Education, Gwendolyn Barnes, Early College Coordinator (Washington County).

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Photo by:
Kesha Williams
Director of Media Relations| University Relations and Marketing
Elizabeth City State University
1704 Weeksville Rd. | Elizabeth City, NC  27909
Phone:  252.335.3686 | Fax:  252.335.3769

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