Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 2014: Albemarle Pinewood Derby at MOA

Contact: Lori Meads, Educator
Release Date:  Immediate
 (252) 335-1453
End Date:  March 15, 2014

Albemarle Pinewood Derby

The 2014 Albemarle Pinewood Derby scheduled for Saturday, March 8, 2014 has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2014 due to area schools making up an inclement weather day from Tuesday, March 4, 2014.  The Museum of the Albemarle will be the site of the Pinewood Derby.  Cub Scouts will begin registering and weighing in cars at 9 a.m., with a strict closing time of 10:30 a.m.  Races will begin at 11 a.m. and last until approximately 2 p.m.  Get caught up in the excitement of the Pinewood Derby by stopping by the Museum! 

The Pinewood Derby is a Cub Scouts annual event. It is the most popular event for many Scouts and is probably the best known Scouting event among non-Scouts.

The Cub Scout is given a block of wood made of pine with two notches for wheels, four plastic wheels, and four nails. The finished car must use all nine pieces, and cannot exceed five ounces in weight, 7 inches in length, and 2 3/4 inches wide. Other than the basic design rules, the Cub Scout is able to carve and decorate the car as he chooses. Many Cub Scouts also add weights to the final design to bring the car to the maximum allowable weight. Cars typically vary from unfinished blocks to whimsical objects, to accurate replicas of actual cars.

The idea behind the Pinewood Derby is for an adult partner to spend time helping the child design, carve, paint, add weights, and tune the final car.

Free Family Program
For More Information Call 252-335-1453


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